The Unconventional Adventurers Travel Guide

Greg Limeberry’s Latest Blog Post

The truth is there are a million resources regarding travel that tell you, “I don’t believe you visited Ireland without trying a Guinness” or “You haven’t really experienced New York without visiting Times Square.”  or “I can’t believe you saw the leaning Tower of Pisa and didn’t take a picture of you pretending to push it over.”  

One thing you gather immediately from resources that sound like this: They are telling you what to do!  If you consider yourself an adventurer you typically ignore the typical flow of the crowd.  You find the hole in the wall or enjoy some time in a park you’ve never heard of because you can.  You may even not go to certain places just to be different.

A recent blog from has inspired this post for one reason.  It’s OK to do what you want when you want.  Here are four quick things to focus on in your travels that you won’t find in a travel guide.

Broaden your horizon

You must be traveling for a reason.  Instead of taking time to post on Facebook or Twitter every little thing you see.  Look up from your phone.  You aren’t traveling to show off (and if you are I feel sorry for you) or to broaden other people’s horizons.  You are there to broaden yours and to give you more perspective you can’t get from home.

Be selfish

The previous tip flows right into this one and is pretty much a direct repetition of what you’ve just heard.  You are traveling for you.  Live the experience to the fullest capacity instead of worrying about telling others about it.

The people are the real attraction

Sure you can go to a monument in another country.  This isn’t meant to discourage you from doing that.  But looking at something can only be so thought provoking.  If you want to give yourself another perspective talk to the people.  Mingle with the crowds.  These folks are shrouded in the culture everyday because they live it.  Having a conversation with a few locals will almost always enhance the experience.

Enjoy the little things

Agendas are important but take any opportunity you can to trash it.  Be present.  If you are constantly worrying about where to go next you aren’t living in the present and therefore when you get home will have a hazy recollection of it.  It’s OK to grab a snack from a boutique, find a bench, and sit for an hour.  You haven’t wasted time.  If you are enjoying yourself in one spot don’t always feel the need to move to the next.  You wouldn’t stop eating a New York slice of pizza in the middle to begin on a Chicago deep dish.  If you live in the moment you’ll remember it like it’s crystal clear for years to come.

Bonus Tip: If your vacation is mostly comprised of your face behind a camera lens you aren’t living in the present as much as you could be.  Let your eyes take the pictures not the shutter of your Canon or Nikon.

via Greg Limeberry Travel

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